top front end test 2 review questons 2,3,4,6

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top front end test 2 review questons 2,3,4,6

Post by arielavakem8877 »

Hello, I have been struggling with top front end questions. The parts that I find easy to follow are the lines that correspond to each other front with top and end with front and top with end, ALso the sizes are ok to distinguish as well as number of lines. Other than this it seems impossible to find out which one is dashes and solids and how they appear to be, and how to predict them. I have watched many youtube videos, other explanations, but i just cannot find any way.please provide the best way to be able to distinguish dash and solid lines. In addition, these questions(2, 3,4,6) of top front end question review test 2, in the explanations it shows a way to just match all the vertical and horizontal lines and find intersections but then, as you can see, it eliminates some of the points later to get the answer. I spent hours trying to find a pattern to see how they are eliminated as it says take out irrelevant points. in Q2 it says they are removed since there are no other corners, but I can't understand this and cant reflect it to do the other questions, in Q3 also it draws the points and takes out 2 of them on the top right part, but How can I determine which points to take out ? as it only removed the top right 2 points. please explain this as well. thank you very much.( I couldnt post other questions due to size limit)
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